Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Can't Log Into Router's IP:

Came across a problem recently where I couldn't log into my Router's IP to access the Router settings. I was previously able to access from my HP running WinXP Pro (IE 6.0.2900.5512), then suddenly was getting this page:

I tried to access the Router from my Gateway Netbook and was able.  Hmmm...

Later in the evening, I tried to access the Router again on my Netbook & could not.  So, I thought about what had happened between earlier, when I could access the router, & later, when I could not.  I had recently applied Windows updates.

I recalled at work where we were accessing a MS Access application (Data Access Page) across the company intranet.  Everytime we had a problem accessing it, it was due to Windows updates where IE was affected.  To fix it, we had to go into Tools>Internet Options>Security>Local Intranet>Sites>Advanced, and add the URL as a trusted site.  Then we could access it.  But everytime an update was applied to IE, we had to re-add it.

So, I figured what the heck, esp. knowing updates were recently applied.  On my HP (IE 6.0), I added the IP to my list of trusted sites on the intranet.

After adding the Routers IP address to the list of trusted Intranet sites, I was able to access the router. 

I'm now wondering if I'll have to do this everytime there's a new patch/hot fix, etc that involves IE...

Interesting note...after adding as a trusted site on the intranet on my HP, I was also then able to access it from my Gateway Netbook (WinXP Home/IE 8).

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