Sunday, October 21, 2007

My Wee Peanut

"Peanut" or "Tot"

My Wee hound, Peanut, is the neatest little companion anyone could ever ask for. I bought her from a Pet Store one day, on impulse. Well, not really impulse. When I went into the store, I saw her - there in the puppy pen with her brother. She looked so much like a smaller, younger version of my other, wonderful pound rescue, Tater, a Jack Russell/Chihuahua mix, that I decided I had to have her. I wasn't making much money at the time, and they wanted $180 for her, so I decided that I would wait a day, then go back the next day, & make up my mind if she was still there. This way, I figured, maybe I would talk myself out of it in the meantime, or maybe she would be sold & there would be no difficult decision to make.

The next day I went to the store. There she still was. I picked her up & she melted into my arms. She was sold.

Since then, it has been wonderful. Peanut is so full of life & enthusiam, she adds fun, love, & humour to my day. She is so much like a little child (hence her nicname "Tot"), she fills the void of the empty nest syndrome I was experiencing. When I return from work, she acts as though she has just met the greatest person in the world, much the way my children used to great me when they were little tots. Peanut will run up, whining & jumping up & down, wagging her tail, with love-filled eyes. She'll bring me her latest "Doolly" (Peanut has many Dolls she adores which we call "Doollies") and present it to me. I always make a fuss over her Doolly, acting as though it was the first time I've ever seen it. She responds with pride & excitement.

Peanut is like a little person in many other ways. Since I was working full-time, I decided to try and "diaper" train her. It worked wonderfully. If need be, and she couldn't find one of the kids to let her out, Peanut would go to her corner & use her diaper. She prefers to go out though, & will only use the diaper if she can't find one of us. She also loves to watch TV, so we leave the toons on for her in the morning, and sometimes at night, when she seems bored. She'll sit on the back of the couch, or on the cushions, curled up with her Doolly, watching the TV. And she has her favorites, too. She seems to like Scooby Doo & The Fresh Princs of Bell-Aire, among other things.

I don't know what I would do without Peanut. I'm so glad I gave in to impulse, & bought the wee hound when I could, at the time, barely afford the price. Things have improved in my life since then, and I wonder if Peanut & the positive affect she had on my outlook is partially, if not fully, to blame.