Saturday, January 17, 2009

Enabling Windows Vista Home Premium's default Administrator Account

OK, this was irritating me from the git-go, so I did some research & found out how to enable the built-in administrator account in Windows Vista Home Premium. Here's the easiest way:

Goto Start>right click the COMMAND PROMPT shortcut and select "run as administrator"

Enter & run the following command to enable the Administrator account:

net user administrator /active:yes

Log into the Administrator Account & create a password. The end.

More on the built-in Administrator Account:,289483,sid192_gci1254063,00.html


Wookie said...

This was giving me fits and now you've saved me. You are my Goddess. :-)

Pammie said...

Gadget Goddess?

Wookie said...

Saved me again on R's Gateway.hoduo

Pammie said...

Gotta love Vista! ;-)