Ran across this gem recently while searching for information on a local site via a form. This particular form required that you enter a lastname & a firstname in order to return any records. Knowing that this form is connected to a database, I got lazy and decided to try wildcard characters for firstname (ok, I admit, I didn't know the firstnames for the records I was looking for). So, for Firstname I tried: * This didn't work. Next I tried another common wildcard character: % That didn't work either. So, it occured to me to try: **
This worked! The database returned all the records for the Lastname I was searching. Not sure why * didn't work, but I figured maybe the form wasn't passing the * by itself, and putting ** forced it to pass the wildcard to the database?? Any ideas on this?
I also wonder if the webmaster intended on folks being able to search on Lastname alone? :-O
Monday, April 12, 2010
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